“Time is what we want most but what we use worst.”
– William Penn
There is a sticky note that’s been on my mirror for years. Scribbled in red Sharpie, are the numbers 168. It might look like some sort of secret code. It’s not a lottery number or the combination to a hidden safe full of cash (I wish); it’s my reminder that no matter how busy I feel, we are all working with the same number of hours each week- 168. No more, no less. And it’s up to me to use those hours wisely. My sticky note is a sneaky little reminder that goes beyond the everyday stuff, nudging me each morning and night to pause and think deeply in the midst of life’s relentless hustle & bustle- how am I spending my hours?
This yellow sticky note isn’t just a quirky decoration, it’s a reality check. Those numbers are there to gently prod me to reflect on my busy life and ask myself whether I’m living in alignment with my values, goals, and dreams.
Beyond this 3-digit simplicity lies a profound truth of which I wish to remain mindful: how I choose to allocate those precious hours speaks volumes about my values and aspirations. And it prompts me to check in with myself regularly- am I investing my time in activities that resonate with my deepest passions and greatest dreams? Or am I (consciously or not) squandering this irreplaceable resource with activities that offer little nourishment to my soul?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a good Netflix binge or spontaneous happy hour meet-up that leads into an entire night of fun. But I want to be mindful of balance in my life. Am I spending plenty of time on things that truly matter to me? Maybe that means walks with my pup, a phone call with my mom, developing content for my upcoming gig, getting to the gym every day, or reviewing my budget and progress on savings goals.
On Sundays I open up my calendar to glance at the 168 ahead. Are my highest priorities scheduled? Am I allowing enough time for rest, recovery, and sleep each night? Am I scheduling in ways to make progress toward my goals? Do I have fun on the agenda? How about downtime? Which activities this week align with my core values?
Ok, y’all, now it’s your turn! Take a moment to ponder how you spent your time over the past week. Were you able to spend some time on things that energized you or maybe brought you closer to one or more of your long-term aspirations?
If you could hit the rewind button and craft your weekly schedule based solely on your passions and goals, what would it look like? And how can you sprinkle a bit more of that magic into your day-to-day routine moving forward?
Are you mindfully cultivating a sense of presence and intentionality into your daily life and activities, or do you fall victim to mindless scrolling or stream-binging and going through the motions of everyday life?
Are you guarding and managing your time well or letting it slip through your fingers like sand?
Maybe some of these questions have prompted a lightbulb moment and helped you realize that you haven’t been spending much time on those things that energize you or light that fire within you. If you want a little support in this area, message me! I’m always here with you along your journey. Coaching is a great support in living an intentional life.
Remember, with each decision we make, we’re shaping our own life’s narrative. Maybe you’ll choose to add a 168 sticky note to your mirror or desk and give it a glance every now and then to keep yourself accountable. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not about counting the hours, it’s about making sure that every hour counts.
How will you choose to spend your 168?