“Should old acquintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne”
– (Allan Ramsay/ Robert Burns)
As 2022 comes to a close, I wish you all an opportunty to reflect and honor this year and those good times you’ve shared, or “auld lang syne”. The phrase translated in modern English means “old time since”; the sentiment of the phrase is to remember fondly times of past. This centuries old folk song from Scotland is often heard on new year’s eve at the stroke of midnight to bid farewell to the passing year and welcome in the new while honoring the experiences, friends, moments the year has brought us. I love to listen to this rendition every New Year and raise a toast to all old friends & fond memories with a bit of mist in my eyes, a lot of love in my heart, and a smile on my face.
This time of year can be extremely difficult or painful for many. It can be easy to look back with regret, or put a spotlight on the disappointments or things left un-done from this closing year. The great news is we each have the capacity to choose how we spend time in reflection of the past. If you are struggling to find this power inside yourself, reach out! I’d love to walk alongside you on this journey.
As you bid farewell to 2022 and welcome in this new year, here is my challenge for us all: May we only look back to praise, offer gratitude, introspect, and grow; and may we greet this new year as an opportunity with renewed energy and excitement to live each day with intention toward creating the life we most desire.
What are your intentions for this new year?
How do you want to show up?
What’s going to bring joy to your days?
Who will you choose to surround yourself with?
What’s a habit or activity you’d like to stop? Start? Continue?
How will you learn and grow?
One last note to remind y’all: check in on your people. Express love and care. If they struggle to see the good of this passing year, or hope for the next, let your light illuminate their path in hopes they may see more clearly.