Another year is coming to a close and perhaps, like me, you’ll be traveling to spend the holidays with loved ones somewhere away from home. I’ll be spending Christmas and ringing in the New Year from Colombia with my fiancé and his family. I always love learning about unique holiday traditions when I’m in a new country. Colombia has a lot of fun traditions!
With any luck, my fiancé and I will wrap up our visa journey and will be getting married sometime early 2024. With that in mind, there is one Colombian New Year’s Eve tradition we’re definitely planning to participate in this year. The tradition stems back to the 1930s when many Colombians were emigrating to other countries to find work.
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve in Colombia, one should grab their suitcase and head outside for a lap around the block, empty suitcase in hand. This tradition is thought to bring much travel in the coming year. And, it signifies a readiness to embark upon new adventures and explore unfamiliar territories in the coming year. Let’s delve deeper into the spirit of this tradition and explore how you can incorporate a similar mindset into your own journey for the upcoming year.
The act of carrying an empty suitcase is more than just a cultural ritual; it’s a metaphor for being open to the opportunities that the future holds. Just as the suitcase is empty, it represents a clean slate, ready to be filled with the experiences and memories of new adventures.
How can you embrace the symbolism of the empty suitcase in your own life, leaving behind any preconceived notions and being open to new possibilities?
Embarking on new territories often requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. Consider the areas of your life where you may have become too comfortable and reflect on how pushing those boundaries might lead to personal and professional growth.
In what aspects of your life have you settled into a comfort zone, and what steps can you take to step out of it and embrace new challenges?
Define Your Personal “Suitcase” for the Year: Just as the suitcase can be a metaphor, think about what your personal “suitcase” represents – your goals, dreams, and aspirations for the coming year. What do you want to fill your metaphorical suitcase with, and how can you actively work towards those goals?
What are the key items you want to pack into your metaphorical suitcase for the upcoming year, and what actionable steps can you take to achieve them?
The tradition of the empty suitcase encourages a mindset of curiosity and a willingness to explore the unknown. (Like marriage for us- gulp!) Consider how you can cultivate a similar mindset in your own life, fostering a sense of curiosity that drives you to learn, experience, and grow.
How might you infuse more curiosity into your daily life, and what new skills or knowledge do you want to acquire in the coming year?
As we enter a new year, let’s draw inspiration from the Colombian tradition of the empty suitcase. Heck- maybe you want to join us in the tradition running around your own block (PLEASE send me a picture if you do!) Embrace the symbolism, step outside of your comfort zone, define your personal “suitcase” of goals, and cultivate a mindset of curiosity. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking new horizons and experiencing the adventures that await in the year ahead. Wishing a Happy New Year to you & yours.